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Mar 14, 2015

A fence made of stone with their hands

"My home - my castle!". But in order to fully realize the competent saying, should think seriously about the fence - a safe, secure and aesthetically beautiful. How to choose building materials and construction technology of the construction - the first thing you need to decide to put a maximum of creative ingenuity and skills.

It is important to remember, "everything is new - is well forgotten old." Hundreds of centuries ago our ancestors knew exactly how to build a light-hearted and at the same time durable fence. It fragments of stone fences survived to our time, showing their excellent stability characteristics. And all because the stone - a material of natural origin, the reliability of which is tested by time. But back to the point.

How to build a fence made of stone with their hands ?

Technology of construction stone fence provides:
• Holding the fence marking;
• Laying of the foundation;
• Erection of fencing fabric.

The foundation stone fence

Before you begin construction of the fence, the first thing should make a layout that includes the creation of pre-plan drawing showing the length and height of the fence, not forgetting the gate and the gate, and after the break to dig a trench for the foundation. Keep in mind that natural stone is strong enough and heavy construction materials, so the foundation must be calculated under the corresponding load to ensure durability and reliability.

As shown in the photo, for the construction of a fence made of stone with their hands enough to stick 35-40 cm wide and 70 cm trench depth. With the construction of the fence height of more than 2 meters is recommended to increase the depth of the trench 10 cm with every meter fence. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the foundation trench bottom should spill with sand or gravel thickness of 3-5 cm, and lay the framework of reinforcement. Installing formwork, start filling solution.

IMPORTANT! Ready foundation must completely grasp, so the stone masonry is necessary to begin a week later.

Masonry fence made of stone with their hands

After about 10 days, you must proceed with the construction of formwork for supporting pillars, after which it is installed on a foundation with fixing grillage and made the next step - laying.

For the erection of a stone wall with their hands, use a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3. For the purpose of aesthetic decoration, you can use brown pigment: 10 buckets of cement mortar used 4 tablespoons pigment.

Implementation of the masonry is done by setting the stones flat side out, fitting tightly to each other and corrective form a hammer. Voids are filled during masonry sand and cement mortar. Attention should be paid to the mixture is not directed at the very surface of the stone, and if this happens, wait until dry and clean with a special wire brush. In no case can not use water, as it can with a solution to get inside the stone and change the color of the natural color of stone blocks.

Based on the fact that the speed of erection of a stone wall specialists is about 35 days for the 100 meters, it is necessary to call to his aid of several assistants to masonry not subject to solidify. In the event of termination of masonry for some positive circumstances stands before you start sprinkle it with water.

Technology masonry fence made of stone with their hands can look at the video again visually bring a focus on the key aspects of the construction process.

When you have finished all the work on the construction of fences and stripping stone, you can proceed to the external design of the fence and grouting using narrow spatula.

Important advice! Experts do not recommend to cover the finished stone wall paint or other stains, as at the expiration of 3-6 years it will lose its natural appearance.

Photos of the fence of stone with their hands

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